Generator Parts, Explained

Generators are widely used devices, but many who use them do not fully understand how they work. Though vital in the course of everyday life, generators are sophisticated machines and their construction and design are only entrusted to highly trained and knowledgeable individuals.

The more you know about how generators work, the easier it is to maintain and fix one of your own! Here is a guide to some common generator parts and accessories, and what they accomplish for you and your generator:

Generator Wattage Meter-Generator wattage meters: There is no need to take a guess at how hard your generator is working at any given time—there is a simple tool that does it for you! A wattage meter will give an immediate and exact reading in amps or watts of the amount of energy that your devices are consuming. You don’t need to be a master electrician to use a wattage meter, either—they are a no-brainer for those using generators for power!

Generator Batteries

-Generator batteries: One can immediately guess what these are for. Many generators are powered partly or entirely by batteries, which require careful selection and maintenance. Don’t skimp out on these, your access to power may depend on it!

Generator Covers-Generator covers: Like so many other devices, generators are prone to wear and tear when exposed to the elements. Dirt, dust, and germs are capable of taking their toll on the usability of a generator over time. Don’t let that happen! A quality generator cover may add a long time to your generator’s life expectancy.

Generator Maintenance Kits

-Generator maintenance kits: Beyond changing fuel, cleaning, and battery maintenance, generators require a good deal of careful attention to continue running smoothly. A proper generator maintenance kit should include the following things: oil, a filter, a funnel cap, an air filter, foam pre-cleaner, and spark plugs.

Generator Cord Accessories

-Generator cords: Sometimes, a generator's power is needed a good distance away. For this reason, special generator-equipped extension cords are a must-own for the generator user. A generator owner won’t get far without the ability to power appliances located more than a few feed from the generator!

Generator Wheel Kits

-Generator wheel kits: For many, a generator with wheels is convenient. For others, it is absolutely necessary. Either way, a wheel kit will make your life with a generator a lot easier. These take only a matter of minutes to install, and are easy to use.

For all your generator needs, visit Absolute Generators’ online store today!


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